G20 India 2023 Hindi
MISSION OF COAL INDIA - To produce and market the planned quantity of coal and coal products efficiently and economically in an eco-friendly manner with due regard to safety, quality and conservation. VISION OF COAL INDIA - To emerge as a global player in the primary energy sector committed to provide energy security to the country by attaining environmentally & socially sustainable growth through best practices from mine to market.

Personnel Notices

Sl No.DescriptionView
1 Employment offered under Land Loser Scheme UPDATED (16-01-2025)Click Me
2 Monthly Status of Employment Under NCWA Agreement (Updated Dec 2024)Click Me
3 Employment offered under Land Loser Scheme from 15-09-2023 to 08-02-2024Click Me
4 Employment offered under Land Loser Scheme from 01-06-2022 to 29-08-2023Click Me
5 Employment offered under Land Loser Scheme from 28.04.2020 - 27.05.2022Click Me
6 Employment offered under Land Loser Scheme from 11.09.2018 - 19.03.2020Click Me
7 Employment offered under Land Loser Scheme from 11.01.2016 - 04.09.2018Click Me
8 Approved Female Voluntary Retirement CasesClick Me
9 Reinstatement of ex-employees on Mercy PetitionClick Me
10 Status of employment under the persons with disabilities Click Me

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